First post ever

Well, how’s that for a unique title?  I just read Scott Berkun’s book, The Year Without Pants which is his book about Automattic, the company behind WordPress.  I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for some time now and Scott’s book motivated me to dig into WordPress and take a shot.  I’ve read some great material about blogs from Glen Allsopp and Copyblogger  🙂 and just jumping in I’m probably violating all the rules.  Oh well, that’s one of the encouragements from Scott … and apparently one of the main ways that Automatticians (interesting that word isn’t in the WordPress spell check) operate … chaos.  It’s interesting to me that I started typing “controlled chaos” but I just searched the book (yeah, Kindle edition) and I don’t see that Scott ever used that term … he just said “chaos”.  I suppose that we management types do have issues with that concept.  Actually, I think we have issues with anything not qualified … like “unlimited freedom”.

This should be an interesting journey.  Expect to see stuff about information technology, philosophy, law school (I’m thinking about taking a shot at that again), writing, business, and business management.  Oh yeah, and people, and love, and travel, and maybe some mention of food I like and places to eat it.